Nov. 1 Priority Deadline for Scholarships and Admissions

Posted October 26, 2018

Next Thursday, Nov. 1, is the priority application deadline for fall 2019 incoming freshmen (Manhattan and Polytechnic campuses). We need your help getting the word out!

Here are two ways you can help:

1. If you have spoken with friends and family about attending K-State, please let them know about the priority deadline and refer them to this website: There, students can apply for admission and scholarships by filling out one application.

2. If you participate in social media, please share the priority deadline with your networks. Below is a sample post you can cut and paste. Download and save the image to include it with your post.

Sample post:

Nov. 1 is K-State’s priority deadline for admission and scholarships for fall 2019 incoming freshmen! Apply today to be a #Wildcat at!

K-State Priority Deadline